June 2057
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  • In 2057 year Father's Day falls on
    third Sunday of June

Father's Day dates in the following years:

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
June 2026
June 2027
June 2028
June 2029
June 2030
The dates the holiday is observed are marked with a dotted line (applies to federal holidays). Date calculations are based on your computer's time.

Father's Day 2057

Sunday, June 17 Father with son Photo by: Danielle MacInnes

A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.

(unknown author)

Father's Day is a celebration of fathers started in the United States in the early twentieth century. It can be seen as a complement to Mother's Day but the holiday is not as popular as Mother's Day. Partly because it is much younger -- it became official in 1972 while the latter in 1914.

Traditionally the father was the breadwinner while the mother was a housewife and raised the children. But that traditional family model is now less common. Nowadays often both parents work and share responsibilities associated with raising children and taking care of the house. Scientific studies confirm that fathers have a role to play in child development and affect the course of their children's development, for good as well as for ill [1]. Studies have consistently shown that paternal warmth, nurturance and closeness are associated with positive child outcomes even if fathers spend less time with their children than the mothers.

Father's Day is a great opportunity to appreciate the love and effort of our fathers. Fortunately, in recent years, it is getting more media attention, schools organize activities related to Father's Day and retailers promote buying fathers special greeting cards and male-oriented gifts such as electronics and tools.

Expenses related to the celebration of Father's Day are still much smaller than those associated with the Mother's Day. Obviously, this is due to the smaller popularity of the former and lesser degree of commercialization. It should also be taken into account that some children are brought up without a father. Perhaps it is also harder to buy a good gift for Dad because often anything he wants he has already bought, or it is too expensive to buy for a Fathers Day gift.

It is worth remembering that sometimes the best possible gift would simply be recognition and thanks for all the effort put into being a good Dad who cares about his family. Men need to feel respected and appreciated but often do not know how to ask for it. For some fathers the best gift would be to let them spend Father's Day alone and do whatever they want to, while the ideal deal for others would be to spend more time with their loved ones, especially children.

Interesting facts about Father's Day

  • In the US, Father's Day is the busiest day for collect (reverse charge) calls [2].
  • Approximately 30% less is spend on Father's Day gifts than on Mother's Day gifts [3].
  • In Germany, Father's Day (also called men's day, Männertag) is celebrated on Ascension Day. It is a tradition for groups of males to go for hiking with one or more man-pulled wagons filled with beer or wine and regional food. As many men use this opportunity to get drunk, the alcohol-related accidents multiply by three on this day [4].
  • The staff of the Empire State Building in New York sends an annual Father's Day card to the staff at the Reynolds Building in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on which the architecture of the Empire State Building was partially based [5].
