<< November
December 2042January >> |
Week No. | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
49 |
07:07 AM
04:48 PM |
335th day of the year
Day length: 9h 38m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:10 AM
04:47 PM 336th day of the year
Day length: 9h 37m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:11 AM
04:47 PM 337th day of the year
Day length: 9h 36m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:12 AM
04:47 PM 338th day of the year
Day length: 9h 35m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:13 AM
04:47 PM 339th day of the year
Day length: 9h 34m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:13 AM
04:47 PM 340th day of the year
Day length: 9h 33m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
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341th day of the year
Day length: 9h 32m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
342th day of the year
Day length: 9h 31m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:16 AM
04:47 PM 343th day of the year
Day length: 9h 30m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:17 AM
04:47 PM 344th day of the year
Day length: 9h 29m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:18 AM
04:47 PM 345th day of the year
Day length: 9h 29m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:18 AM
04:47 PM 346th day of the year
Day length: 9h 28m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:19 AM
04:47 PM 347th day of the year
Day length: 9h 28m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
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07:20 AM
04:47 PM 348th day of the year
Day length: 9h 27m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:21 AM
04:48 PM 349th day of the year
Day length: 9h 27m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:21 AM
04:48 PM 350th day of the year
Day length: 9h 26m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
351th day of the year
Day length: 9h 26m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:23 AM
04:49 PM 352th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:23 AM
04:49 PM 353th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:24 AM
04:49 PM 354th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
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07:24 AM
04:50 PM 355th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: The Archer (Sagittarius)
07:25 AM
04:50 PM 356th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:25 AM
04:51 PM 357th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:26 AM
04:52 PM 358th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
359th day of the year
Day length: 9h 25m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:27 AM
04:53 PM 360th day of the year
Day length: 9h 26m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:27 AM
04:53 PM 361th day of the year
Day length: 9h 26m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
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07:27 AM
04:54 PM 362th day of the year
Day length: 9h 26m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:28 AM
04:55 PM 363th day of the year
Day length: 9h 27m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:28 AM
04:55 PM 364th day of the year
Day length: 9h 27m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
365th day of the year
Day length: 9h 28m
Zodiac: Goat-horned (The Sea-Goat) (Capricorn)
07:28 AM
04:57 PM |
07:28 AM
04:58 PM |
07:29 AM
04:58 PM |
Printable version of the December 2042 Calendar
Sunrise and sunset hours are shown for Ashburn (America/New_York time).
About the calendar
The December 2042 Calendar shown above has marked dates of important events and popular US holidays. The most important dates are marked in red.
If you move mouse over a day number a small window with additional information will pop-up. This extra information includes:
- day of the year number
- sunrise and sunset hours with respect to the location selected. You can easily change the default location (and thus a timezone) using the select box shown in the gray area just below the calendar
- length of the day
- sign of the zodiac
See also our illustrated Moon Calendar for December 2042